Slough BID has successfully delivered projects for businesses through its first term, with key highlights including:
A 62.5% increase in footfall.
BID wardens spent over 160,000 hours dealing with over 3000 incidents.
Established Love Slough social platforms to promote the area.
Hosted networking evets bringing together more than 150 business.
Introduced 180 floral hanging baskets and 50 flower towers.
Introduced DISC crime reporting system with 150 members.
Sourced £75,000 of grant funding to supplement the BID levy income.
Over the past decade Southend City BID has delivered a range of projects for businesses, including the following in the last five year term:
Establishment of Southend Cocktail Week to promote the evening economy.
Family trails including a Halloween monster trail and a Christmas tree trail along with a year round events calendar.
Headline sponsor for Luminocity, which attracted 200,000 visitors.
180 businesses on DISC, an online crime reporting system.
2000 anti-social behaviour interventions from the Street Ranger team per year.
Over £350,000 of income generated in addition to the BID levy.

Brentwood Connected is a newly established BID, covering Brentwood, Shenfield and Ingatestone. Brentwood Connected are delivering the following for businesses in the area:
Creating a calendar of events to increase footfall, including art trails, specialist markets and fun days.
Creating paid marketing campaigns to promote the area.
Launching a loyalty card system to encourage shopping local.
A three month trial create a team of Town Rangers .
Creating floral displays, banners and bunting to make the area attractive.
Enhancing litter picking and street cleansing.