A BID is a business led partnership that enables coordinated investment in the management and marketing of a commercial area. Governed by legislation to ensure fairness and transparency, a BID is developed through consultation with the business community and the subsequent development of a five year business plan. The plan is voted on by all those that will be asked to pay the levy. In the event that a majority of voters, more than 50% both by number and rateable value, vote to support the business plan then a BID will be. During this period all businesses defined within the business plan will be required to pay a mandatory levy irrespective of whether they cast their vote in the ballot.
To find out more about the Ballot, read below.

The ballot for a Business Improvement District in Wickford ran from
11th October 2024 to 7th November 2024.
Following a successful ballot result, which was announced on the 8th November 2024, Wickford BID has commenced on the 1st January 2025 and will operate for a five year term. Wickford BID aims to deliver a range of projects to enhance the town centre for businesses, employees and visitors.